Not only in other countries, but Facebook is now also considered the most popular social platform in Bangladesh.
However, you may ask the question of why Facebook is not opening in Bangladesh if you notice you’re not able to access the app or website from your country.
This article is going to be about the possible reasons behind the issue of why Facebook is not opening in Bangladesh.
Stay connected on the page to know the reasons and explore some solutions to fix the problem.
Why Facebook Is Not Opening In Bangladesh?

There are a few reasons why Facebook may not be opening in Bangladesh. The first reason is that the country may be blocking or the Facebook app.
This is the most common thing that can happen to the Bangladeshi people. There might be some government issue that can force the Facebook team to block the service.
Also Read:
Reasons -Why Facebook is not working in Bangladesh
As an ideal person, you should not assume that there might be only one reason behind the issue.
According to my research, I have found countless reasons behind Facebook not working in Bangladesh.
Check the below section to explore all the possible reasons and also check out the solutions.
Government Issue:
The Bangladeshi government has blocked Facebook in the past and could do so again. There are a few reasons why the government might take this action.
First, the government may believe that Facebook is being used to spread anti-government sentiment.
If the government perceives that there is a lot of negative sentiment towards it on Facebook, it may believe that blocking the site will help to reduce this sentiment.
Second, the government may believe that Facebook is being used to coordinate protests or other activities that could lead to instability.
If the government is concerned about potential unrest, it may believe that blocking Facebook will help to prevent this.
Third, the government may believe that Facebook is being used to spread false information about the government or country.
If the government feels that Facebook is being used to discredit it, blocking the site may be seen as a way to reduce this negative publicity.
Solution: If this happened in your country, the solution would be: to use a VPN service.
Internet Issue in Bangladesh
Not only with your ISP but also there might be a nationwide internet shutdown in Bangladesh.
Ask your internet service provider to know the news. If the service provider tells you that they are facing the same issue, you can wait and check back the internet status later.
Solution: Wait until the internet service comes back properly.
Your ISP Blocking Facebook
There are a few reasons Bangladeshi Internet service providers (ISPs) may choose to block Facebook.
For example, the government may order ISPs to block the site in order to prevent citizens from organizing protests or sharing the anti-government sentiment.
Additionally, ISPs may block Facebook in order to reduce bandwidth usage during peak times.
Finally, some ISPs may simply view Facebook as a competitor and block it in order to encourage customers to use their own services.
Solution: Use a VPN
Facebook is experiencing technical difficulties.
If there is an issue with Facebook itself or Facebook is experiencing any technical issue related to their server, you may not be able to access the website from Bangladesh.
You can wait a few times and check the website later. Since Facebook is considered the most popular social media platform worldwide, there is a high chance that the service will be available within a few moments.
Solution: Wait and check the site frequently.
Why Messenger Is Not Working In Bangladesh 2022
There are a number of reasons why Messenger may not be working in Bangladesh in 2022.
The messenger app could be blocked by the government, as has happened in other countries.
It’s also possible that Facebook Messenger simply isn’t popular in Bangladesh, or that people are using other messaging apps instead.
Whatever the reason, it’s clear that Messenger isn’t working in Bangladesh right now. This is unfortunate, as the app is a great way to stay in touch with friends and family.
Hopefully, the situation will change in the future and Facebook Messenger will once again be available in Bangladesh soon.
Why Facebook is not opening in Bangladesh is a common question because when people in Bangladesh can’t access the website and app, they simply put the query in a search engine and find an answer.
The short answer for the issue is you should use a VPN if your internet service provider blocks Facebook and if the issue is from Facebook, wait and check back later.