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Home » Linkedin Not Loading On Safari MAC – The Permanent Solution

Linkedin Not Loading On Safari MAC – The Permanent Solution

Prefer to use LinkedIn on your Safari browser as you’re using MAC and searching for an article on Linkedin Not Loading On Safari MAC? 

This article will show you the solution to this issue. To fix the issue, you just simply need to explore the entire article here. 

Linkedin Not Loading On Safari MAC

Linkedin Not Loading On Safari
Linkedin Not Loading On Safari

Wondering why LinkedIn is not loading on Safari MAC? There might be multiple reasons behind the issue. 

The most common reasons are the following: 

  • Your browser isn’t up-to-date
  • Your internet connection is not stable to load LinkedIn
  • Your Safari browser cache might create issues
  • LinkedIn might be down for now

After knowing the reason, you have to move forward to fix the Linkedin not loading on Safari MAC issue. 

Since you don’t know the exact reason, you can try to follow one by one solution to fix the issue on your MAC. 

Safari Isn’t Up-to-date

The most common reason can be your browser updating issue. If the Safari browser isn’t up-to-date, the browser can create issues when opening a website. 

If that happened with LinkedIn, you might need to check for the Update for the Safari browser. 

Look at the Apple menu from your computer screen > select the sem preference option > hit on the software update > see the status of the update for your Safari browser. 

If you notice the Safari browser is not updated after seeing the update status, simply update the Safari browser and check the status by opening LinkedIn again. 

Also Read:

Unstable Internet Connection

Having an unstable internet connection and still thinking why LinkedIn isn’t opening on your Safari browser? 

This is not fair. First, check your current internet status, and if you notice that the internet connection is not stable, the connection might stop LinkedIn from loading properly. 

You can check the internet speed by visiting websites like or

After checking the speed, you’ll be able to know your current internet speed status. If you notice the speed is around 1-2Mbps, it would be enough to load LinkedIn on the Safari browser. 

However, if the speed is less than 100Kbps, it might not be able to load LinkedIn properly on your browser. 

Remember this!

Safari Browser Cache Issue

When it comes to web browsers, Safari is one of the most popular options available. 

However, like with any software, there can be issues from time to time. One potential issue that users may experience is with the Safari browser’s cache. This cache can occasionally create issues when opening LinkedIn.

The Safari browser’s cache is designed to store website data so that it can be accessed more quickly in the future. 

However, if this data is not cleared out regularly, it can become outdated and cause problems. 

One issue that has been reported is that LinkedIn may not load properly when using Safari if the cache is full. 

Additionally, users may experience issues with logging in or accessing certain features of the site.

To avoid these issues, it is recommended that users clear their Safari browser’s cache on a regular basis. 

This can be done by going to the Safari menu and selecting “Preferences.” From here, users can select the “Advanced” tab and then click on “Clear History and Website Data.” 

Doing this will remove all of the data that is currently stored in the Safari browser’s cache.

Check The LinkedIn Server Status

Linkedin Not Loading On Safari MAC
Linkedin Not Loading On Safari MAC

If neither of these solutions works, it’s possible that LinkedIn is down for everyone, not just you. In this case, the best thing to do is wait a few minutes and try again later.

This problem is totally from LinkedIn’s side. So you have nothing to do. Hopefully, the server down-related issue will be fixed within a few hours or minutes. 

You can check the LinkedIn server status by visiting this website. This website offers real-time server status for websites.

Linkedin Not Loading On Safari MAC issue can be solved by following multiple solutions.

However, since you don’t know what’s the issue you’re facing, you can follow all of the solutions shared today, and check whether LinkedIn is accessible now or not.